Monday, May 3, 2010

// Chilling with my Ribbons

(I finally got that damned Cat Suit, that's not at...12,222R be gone D:
I also got a new haircut, after debating with myself for a while.)

So I finally got it~!!
well... it was a deep inner struggle in the fact that I always save ribbons and
can always make more (like spinning gold, I wish I could do this IRL )
and I wanted it, and the cheapest one on the market was 12.2kR

so it began like this....

then I got around 13,500R...I should've taken another screen shot. in any case
I got these Hana boots for 400R and sold them at 999R-99R = 900R
and well I just kept getting things to sell
I really hit the 'jack pot' when I spotted a pink April fools Ribbon (this year) for 900R
I snagged it and sold it this morning at 2666R, I got 2,333R and that bumped my ribbons up to this...

Well I decided to stop beating around the bush and just get it.
Now I have : 4,120R
I still have things to sell and things are selling, I had around 3,560R when I bought the suit though.
I think I can rebuild my empire :3

I think I might start going to school in the morning actually, so I might have more time
to stalk furima and maybe fix my sewing machine.

I bought way too many things to make room for my deals and steals, but here's some very
crazy shit I have to share!



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