Monday, June 28, 2010

// So Far So Good

(Mori Bride, happy forest weeding)
I know I know, I keep wearing old dresses.
I swear that my intention is NOT to make anyone feel bad or poor because they like them
or can't buy them, but I just keep getting them and I happen to be wearing them when I update this thing. So sue me, wait don't!

Well as long as we're talking about old dresses, it seems like the market is flooded with last years dresses and some from the first event dropped by so much, I'm tempted to buy ONE that I haven't owned in a long time, but idk right now. June Bride event will end tomorrow, congrats to everyone who played piyo catcher and got your stuff!
I'm restocking my jewels on Friday, I think, so I will not be getting Japanese bride stuff lol
the only thing I really wanted was the bird, and the ribbons, but it's so not worth it :broken hearts:
As for the Jewel shop I got what I wanted ♥
the Ribbon shop is what has me in a pretzel though, should I get classy ugly things? or should I not? I can afford it but I think I'll just get the other ring and stick to that decision...or not.
See, I told you I'm indecisive lol Well if I haven't now you guys know.

Anyways here's the Furima deals and steals for this week::

I'm debating whether to sell the green dresses.
Because I like both of them, in fact the prince flower one is my dream dress, but ehhh it's a little hard to decide. I think I'll just keep em and if they retail for higher away they go to the ribbon machine~!

Speaking of the machine, look how cute I've become:

(thank you~!!)
I got the Bunny suit~! When I wear it I feel cute :heartness:
also I feel bald lol, I wish they allowed hair to show in the empty space or fling out~!!

In the community, they are revamping Random Dress Up Generator!
hurray! I really missed it, I don't know why, but I just can't make good random dress ups
when no one is telling me what to do lol

I was actually reading through my blog for a few days and realized that no one really knows me lol
Not in the "I'm a lost soul" way, but the "oh that's the girl who lives in the furima and has a blog about it" way. Well I'm a person too.
So I guess I'll umm.. act more human, let's see....what do humans do? oh yes, today I had hamburgers, not the greasy fast food type but the organic home made type my mother makes. Also I drink a lot of water, I don't know why I just really like water, you know when you're in a pool and you feel your hair in the water? I love that feeling more than a lot of things :hearts:

My favorite Band is Glay, who I've seen live twice, and both have been the most precious experiences of my life (my boring exciting life lol ) A lot of people my age are really into visual kei and stuff, and I like it, but I prefer Indie and alternative Rock bands like Plastic Tree (who have stopped being visual kei like Diru) and Yoshinori Sugimoto (who won't admit it, but he's punk rock, not kei)
I love the smell of rice flowers and don't like eating brownies or anything that sticks to your teeth. I listen to music all the time, and that's not an exaggeration, I'm literally listening to music all the time lol, I know it's lame, but you really can see the world differently with soundtrack, (and I don't mean that in a lame emo way, just a spiritually enlightening way.) I'm also a writer, I'm working on seven manuscripts at the moment only two are half completed in my mind and one (was) completed, however, computer crashed and stupid me just got a stick with memory (what are those called?) I actually post some of it on Blogspot but it's currently still in the making, sorry.
Well yes, this is me, so I hope people can stop looking at me as the ribbon obsessed bitch now lol

Now here's this week Cosplay (weekly = whenever I update)

I really love the outfits she wears for her videos.
but the Beacuse of you video is's like a lament, because there is suffering but there is also a disliking of happiness and a will to not believe that love can be.

Next week I'm thinking to switch Artists, maybe something American NOT LADY GAGA!!

Friday, June 25, 2010

// Let there be Ribbons~!!

(yes, why that's a very pretty dress isn't it?
I can't believe it~! I actually got it~!!
&& for under 5kr way to go Zuka (I guess it's Suka now, but I'll keep saying it with a Z.)
I've had a pretty good week as well, I've gotten a lot of good deals, few repeats, but over all I'm back up to 20rk+ so I'm very happy. I sold an old wedding dress and got 20KR plus the 3.4kr I already had so I have 23kr right now. I hope everything else I'm selling goes as well go I can break my 26kr record :hearts:

Also, I've decided to make another layout. I like this one don't get me wrong, but after a second opinion I was right, it's too Spring-ish. I want something summerish. I just got a message today from an artist, and she says she's working on my art despite the ordeals of moving to another country she's experiencing. I do feel for her, I hope it's not hot over there in Thailand ~!!
Well, as soon as I got a piece of art I'll get cracking on the layout, for now it'll have to do, I still haven't fixed the footer too, but lets ignore that lol.
Also, it has come to my attention that I need to credit poupee on EVERY PICTURE I take from them, like a snap shot and stuff. Which is why i made this Photoshop 7 Brush, you guys can take it of you want, it's such a pain to re-type it and stuff, plus it's in Japanese too and piyo is on it, so it can ONLY be crediting poupee.

Oh guess what? Apparently I have haters. yeah, some so called "Timea" (wtf kind of name is that?) was the girl who reported me to poupee (how else would she know "why" I was reported? oh and FYI stupid, You might have reported me for a pencil case but they took MUCH MORE THAN THAT, so you owe me 560R, cough it up), and to top it off, she's keeping tabs on me like she's the fucking L.A.P.D. wiretapping my phone conversations or something. if you don't believe me, read the ONLY comments on this blog, she's all like "you better read all the rules stupid" ughh.
My message to Timea: "Get the fuck out of my face, my blog and my space. If all you do is go around reporting people for stupid reasons you need to get a fucking life." Seriously, I mean I know I don't have a life, but I'm not some bitch going around stalking people telling them that if they don't follow the rules, and I make sure and know and am checking up on them and if I see that they haven't I'm going to report them for no reason is stupid. This is obviously some jealous bitch who needs to go away :/
So yeah, leave me alone. OH and THIS this paragraph is NOT harassment in anyway, so don't even THINK about reporting me for calling you a bitch, because A. I don't even know who you are on Poupee, I'm not leaving nasty comments on your items, and that is harassment, I'm not calling you fat am I? & B. I can't stalk your IP to do any of this, because you are a coward who hides your information so you can get away with saying whatever the hell you want without the fear of getting it thrown back in your face. In the words of the Tom Cruise Movie, "YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH" IDD

Well anyways, eat your heart out here's my latest deals of the week:

(the 555R dress is the one I sold :happiness: )

well the furima crash seems to be coming around, but very very slowly.
I hope things go back to normal by nest week, oh and also there is a New Catcher! Yes!
and it's pricey lol They decided to add a Japanese Bride catcher with all these kinomos and traditional wedding stuff, a friend from poupee has spent so much trying to get the pure white one, maybe it's rarest? I hope that friend gets it soon, because anxiety sucks D:
speaking of anxiety, I feel stupid for being excited about this, but I have a feeling that I'm about to get a blast from the past, I hope so.

Even more fun with my poupee, I decided to do a dress up of Lovely Ayu
after watched the Ladies Night video. How is she so divine~!?? :luv luv luv:

isn't she glamorous?

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

// I can't believe it's not worth more!

(muahaha you can't get me now mysterious hater)
I got my account back :hearts:
I got it back yesterday but I was waaay to lazy to make a post.
today I didn't get so many good deals, but I restarted my pc so by tomorrow I should be back to getting the good deals. June Bride finally came out~!! yes! Last week actually but I could participate. we got new hairstyles (when we getting haircolors?)

this dress is from the jewel section the Noble Dress.

very pretty pastel colours.
but also I have the Ribbon Limiteds on too, they are the balloons.
Also in very pretty pastels. Only 22 Ribbons and 1,200 each round.
tonight is the last found for them I think and then they are sold out forever.
I gotta get them for a girl tonight, poupee sitting. and I got another gig for July1-5
I hope we don't have to go anywhere, other wise I'm gonna have to pay a poupee to take care of me and her, and I'm not comfortable with that lol

well I'm sure I'll be here, but I want to go to school tomorrow and go look for a job.
I love to have time to write but I'm bored too, might as well be productive.
anyways there's more limiteds.

and this is with the jewel limiteds. I didn't get the shoes because...well I'm never gonna use it.
I hope the dress sells for high because I'm disappointed with it.

I got some insane deals with the June Bride madness in the Furima this past week~!!

deals like this one!! and more <33>

can anything beat the price of that chocolate dress?
it was awesome <33>

Monday, June 14, 2010

// A Brown Box.

Well, I've been brown boxed!!
Yeah, it was my precious Glay background that alerted some douche
into reporting me for it.
a bunch of my earrings were deleted, my house of blues barecelet, my hairclips, I think I'm also missing a ring, and a necklace. I think that's all they deleted, but at 20R per picture, and they took away 566R so they took away about 28 pictures.
This sucks because I'm going to miss my perfect attendance not only for this month but for the entire year!, ughh....
I'm also very bored because I like to dress up various times a day.
So now I'm just sort of ignoring poupee

I did get deals this week, but I don't feel like talking about it
I have to wait 7 more days? Before I can dress up again and it's killing me.
Well also I decided I should re-vamp my closet if I'm going to have to retake
the pictures that they left which are still with the Glay background.
also items which I don't like, I'll replace, here's my closet and how things are going down.
Copy = Retaking picture / Thunderbolt = reaplcing / Heart means = Keeping
I have a pretty big closet....but I want it to be pretty again.

So I don't mind retaking pictures
I'll even do it in a higher resolution than I used to.
I'll make a new template as well.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

// Retorno of the Ribbon Machine

(But, why is the rum gone?)
I wanted to be a pirate today, they remind me of the caribbean
I wish I had been born in these times, because sailing on a boat
with water everywhere, the sea, the sky I want it all forever.

I doubt I'm a rich poupee!
There I said it!
I'm clearly middle-class if anything! style="text-align: center;">here's what I found this week:

and that's not all, I've gotten so many good deals and CRAZY steals like never before.
like this one!
I never thought I'd ever buy something REALLY expensive and get it for the crazy price.

I don't know if people are leaving poupee or just not caring or desperately trying to get ribbons for expensiveness of june bride event (which in my opinion is the most profitable and biggest in poupee) I really hope that it gets to be really cool.

Well you noticed I got a lot of mascara that's because of the new Cat Eye shop that opened and it has mascara's and cheaply so everyone is getting rid of their old ones and I've been making bank
also since the cat store is limited I know the mascara will go back up when it closes <33>