Tuesday, June 22, 2010

// I can't believe it's not worth more!

(muahaha you can't get me now mysterious hater)
I got my account back :hearts:
I got it back yesterday but I was waaay to lazy to make a post.
today I didn't get so many good deals, but I restarted my pc so by tomorrow I should be back to getting the good deals. June Bride finally came out~!! yes! Last week actually but I could participate. we got new hairstyles (when we getting haircolors?)

this dress is from the jewel section the Noble Dress.

very pretty pastel colours.
but also I have the Ribbon Limiteds on too, they are the balloons.
Also in very pretty pastels. Only 22 Ribbons and 1,200 each round.
tonight is the last found for them I think and then they are sold out forever.
I gotta get them for a girl tonight, poupee sitting. and I got another gig for July1-5
I hope we don't have to go anywhere, other wise I'm gonna have to pay a poupee to take care of me and her, and I'm not comfortable with that lol

well I'm sure I'll be here, but I want to go to school tomorrow and go look for a job.
I love to have time to write but I'm bored too, might as well be productive.
anyways there's more limiteds.

and this is with the jewel limiteds. I didn't get the shoes because...well I'm never gonna use it.
I hope the dress sells for high because I'm disappointed with it.

I got some insane deals with the June Bride madness in the Furima this past week~!!

deals like this one!! and more <33>

can anything beat the price of that chocolate dress?
it was awesome <33>


Anonymous said...

you're violationg poupee rules for using poupee images!

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